Welcome to Lina's Blog! ![]() Friday, February 27, 2009. Went back to school today again because the Chinese Dance teacher wasn't here today so went back to control them..but didn't seem so fine kinda disappointed so sry! Ying came soon after not long and helped out guess she was fiercer than me cause actually I feel that I have no comments on today's performance..didn't know what was the reason (izzit teacher not here/they were pai seh cause the venue was ish) WHATEVER?! haiix..anyway saw lots and lots of teacher while waiting for Kenneth and Marx chatted for a while hahas they were all rushing off for dinner and so many teachers wear pink lol (I was also in pink am I invited =p)! Anyway went out off school with Kenneth and Marx then separted ways hahas Ying & I went to collect cake and present for Kenneth whereas they went back home to change shirt..After which we met at suntec SAKAE for dinner buffet.. Before they came hahas! my erzi's cake yupp it's small cause only 4 ppl eating hahas.. We went to the arcade after eating played mario kart, basketball wow first time I played together with ying and we hit 200 plus points at the third stage so impressed lols..Then after that we went to walk walk around see if there's anything we can buy and also went to TOYSRUS to play play =p After which we went to Tiong Park to play hahas swing sit down to chat chat a while..then went home waited for Ying's bus 64 and walk Kenneth down to the other bus stop waited for 145 and went home myself ^^ The end of our day hahas.. Take Cares Loves preciious ^^
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:36 PM Wednesday, February 18, 2009. After work went back to school to visit my dear Dance and Wushu Juniors! While waiting for Charlton and Shun An, I actually saw Carleen even though she said she wasn't going to meet me le cause she was going to pass Jasmine school uniform..Then I parted with her when Shun An and Charlton reached and when she passed the uniform to Jasmine..When we reached the school I accompanied Shun An and Charlton to go visit wushu people first all were new but at least we saw HanQi there..The new juniors were all so cute! hahas.. Then later we went up to the music room to find Chinese Dance and Wushu people who are training for upcoming SYF didn't expect to see Samuel there too..When I saw the guys doing the stance and moves I really saw that they were serious and there was a big improvement since the last I saw them! Good job guys ^^ Of course my dear girls you have all along been doing great continue to jiayou ya! love you all..Of course my dear marcus you have really done well PROUD OF YOU! And Edmond continue to JiaYou K you have always been the cheerful one! You can do it ^^ And my dear erzi kenneth and terrence please don't wear your school pants to dance k.. After which went out of school so sad my slipper broke..I am very sorry for what happen my two dear friends =( Went to eat KFC with Shun An, Charlton and HanQi @ Bukit Merah..Then chit chat and then went home le... Didn't expect so many things to happen in one day I made someone angry just because she knew that I was with a few friends of mine! I was kinda disappointed when I knew that she was angry..I tried very very very hard not to quarrel with any of my family members already but whenever I really try hard it appears to me that I have not tried hard enough..I've not have this feeling for such a long time already =[ This is the second time this year that I've quarrelled with my grandaunt.. Maybe tommorrow's lessons may just lighten up my spirits a little... Take Cares Love preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 10:56 PM Tuesday, February 17, 2009. Today was a happy day indeed ^^ hahas met Annie and JiaWei on bus 16 cause we were going to great world first to collect the cake..It was so beautiful with our teacher's face on it hahas..Then we realised that it was time to go meet up with our other classmates, so we took 970 back to Dawson Place..When we reached there, the first one we saw was Jehian..and the other people were yong seng, weijie..Not long after more came ^^ total amount of people who came were about 23 wow so many rite =p means we can all pay lesser for the cake cum present lor..=D We went in to the school easily thanks to the security hahas..and then straight when the bell ring we dash into her form class 3G to prepare ourselves for her surprise ^^ Then cause Ms Chee said she was going to leave the school soon so didn't really wanna bother her so Annie got one of her class people to go get her HOW?? saying that one of her girls got slapped by another another girl and was hiding in the class crying hahas NICE STORY HUH?! =X When Mdm Haryati really came we were all not ready yet so Annie was like using her stength to pull the door, I guess Mdm Haryati really believe the story hahas (it was like really a girl inside crying and didn't want to let the teacher know what happen that's why didn't dare to pen the door) so when everyone was ready Annie let go of the door and when Mdm Haryati opened it we pulled the popper and shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY MDM HARYATI!! ^^hahas..I guessed she was just so touched, angry and happy hahas that she didn't know what to say to us..ALL SHE SAID WAS THANK YOU SO MUCH PEOPLE woots~ cause she didn't really expect (that's the whole point hahas) She really taught me for 5 YEARS ^^
![]() Lina, Stacey, Mdm Haryati ^^
Another unready shot! zzz Finally a good one! 4th Row: Azahar, Qing Neng, Faizul, Erwin 3rd Row: Hariz, Khairul, Mikhail, Yong Seng, Zac, Benson 2nd Row: Yani, Hanis, Haleeza, Annie, JiaWei, Lina, Carleen, Stacey, Meiqi, Jehian 1st Row: Weijie, Kin Hong, Mr Chong, Mdm Haryati, Ms Chua, Chevy Informal SHOT hahas! Mr Chong's ZHAO PAI DONG ZHUO NO.1 hahas =p Ms Chong ZHAO PAI DONG ZHUO NO.2 =D (2 thumbs up!) It's as if we are all taking our results huh hahas ^^ After which we went off to Plaza Sing Parkway Mall to eat Sakae Buffet hahas..and we made the most noise there..Carleen ate the most rice lor hahas! Then we were like so full and bloated le soon I realised I was going to be late for dance lessons so after taking the photo I took mrt down to TIong Bahru and then took cab down to Taman Jurong..the taxi driver dunno drive until Li Chin's house there lor zzz..So I told him cannot be here cause I came here before..but soon he found the CC the fare was 21 plus zzz but he said sorry for making alot of turns so he said $16 was enough (I am never going to take cab down to TJ CC ever again) There were 3 new students in class ^^ and today lessons Jacky only taught the new students what he taught us that day at JW CC and he siad will continue this song the next lesson..Looking forward to it! Till then.. Take Cares Loves preciious! Happiness is Best @ (: 11:38 AM Sunday, February 15, 2009. Met Chevy they all @ Tiong and I was late =p cause was doing things at home..anyway went to bugis to find a gift for one of our dearest person's birthday which was on Tuesday woots~ We also went to eat PASTAMANIA for lunch hahas..Haven ate it for like dunno how long le lor hahas and Annie was like super hungry she haven eat yet so she ordered a pasta and mushroom soup whereas Chevy, JiaWei and Me wasn't really that hungry so we just ate a pizza and drink mushroom soup..hahas after which we bought the present and wrapped it up too..We took photos while Kin Hong is looking at a shop and the shop actually states no photo taking and a person actually came out to tell us (HELLO we can see the sign k but we were not even taking photos of your display items lor zzz) Then we saw neoprint hahas (yes we went to take NEOPRINT lols like how many thousand years never take le lor) Chevy then suggested going to the arcade even though she said she had no money..hahas and then playing all the usual games we found a nice game hahas related to ghost thingy de and must use the hammer keeping turning, hitting and so on hahas FUN GAME but TIRING ^^ Chevy and I had maintained high score and also the 4th position hahas..Annie and Kin Hong also played this game after us and they got 2nd position woots~ hahas..Then after which Annie and JiaWei went upstairs to get ice cream =p and we continued playing hahas..We went to play the fighting game and I lost wanna know the reason (cause Kin Hong was helping Chevy one turning the thing another hitting the buttons so JI LIE lor lols, it seems as if the whole thing going to drop out already hahas) At about 4 plus Kin Hong left us cause he wanna go home..then left us we randomly thought of going to Si Ma Lu Temple to pray..hahas tried something special today I have never been to temple with friends before only family..so it was kinda weird =D Not long after I went off already cause my family was waiting for me @ Taka eat dinner with me! Then I heard some unhappy things between my family and some people......HATE!!!!! But it's ok cause I've decided to lead a happy life from that day I changed my birth cert onwards..So till then on Tuesday!! Take Cares Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 10:16 PM Saturday, February 14, 2009. Happy Valentine's Day to all my dearest friends ^^ Went to work as usual hahas..but then after that I went out with my friends ying and shun an! ^^ haven seen ying for quite some time le (A month??) We went to eat dinner together but when we got to bugis guess what we saw so many people lol..First, I saw Jehian sitting near the bus stop @ Bugis..then when we cross the road Shun An saw Ooi and Heng sitting on the floor with their friends lols..such a coincidence?! But only Jehian seemed to have noticed me o.o.. Anyways we went to check out Swensen whether is it full house..but just as we expected it was so Shun An suggested that we go to Chinatown's outlet..We ordered fish and chips (a little weird), chicken, side dishes AND "FONDUE" ok sorry to say this but it was only okok lor cause it was a little pathetic because of the chocolate hahas..Shun An gave us a chocolate and also a small piece of letter for Valentine Gift..we took lots and lots of photos see >> Ying and Me! ^^ We haven take photo for a long time le!
Shun An Ying and Me! ^^ Thereafter went to bugis to play arcade but there was like soooo many people lor zzz..Siianx!! But played for a while then go le..After which we separate our ways and went home le ^^ had an enjoyable day today cause I haven seen you guys for quite sometime le..And guess what I received the enrollment package today! Opened it and FOUND SOOOOO MANY FORMS hahas but didn't really know how to do so do it at a later date but I am planning the impt dates though ^^ Take Care Loves preciious! Happiness is Best @ (: 11:48 PM Thursday, February 12, 2009. Went all the way to Boon Lay today for dance lesson hahas..Long train ride almost fell asleep on my way there zzz but got there in time to meet Dawn ^^ Then we took a bus to Jurong West CC which we dunno where was it intially hahas but eventually got there in time..it was kinda quiet there and there was a big stadium big swimming pool WOW! The studio there was like so big too ^^ As usual did basics but this time basics was like so much more tiring =p guess I've not been exercising for a long time! After which we learn moves from a song which has alot of dong ta dong dong ta alot of popping moves! =D However didn't get to catch up @ first but subsequently overall it was ok I guess ^^ We will be continuing this songs for a few weeks so till next tuesday then! Take Cares Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:44 PM Wednesday, February 11, 2009. Wow..This was the first time I met my friends so early in the morning hahas went to have breakfast @ Tiong's SUBWAY with Chevy, Annie and JiaWei =p..Thereafter we went to take bus to Bugis cause today we were intending to go to KTV woots~ and it was our first time there TOPONE! And it's $16 nett per pax timing was 11-6pm (so long lor) so actually it's kinda cheap I think we went as usual crazy in there hahas..Sang songs continously hahas, go toilet dunno how many times, take photos like siao and sang songs not from our nian dai one =O hahas..Firstly, I took pic with chevy so long never see her face in my photos le =P Me and Chevy!! We took this in the toilet....hahas! Wow we really stay there for very long and we also sometimes run out of songs to sing lols..Until we were very hungry too so we ordered something to eat erm Annie and JiaWei ordered sotong ball and Chevy and I ordered chicken nuggets ^^ the food was really good lor..Then after 6pm we came back to Tiong with the intention to eat DINNER!! And we stayed there for really quite some time! ^^..after dinner we went to the different levels to buy stuff hahas but in the end only JiaWei managed to get her clip..So we went to B1 the toilet to take photos hahas! From Left: JiaWei, Annie, Me and Chevy! Annie Loves her EXPRESSION! ^^ Woots~ Took photo with chevy's new phone! Our faces are in different sizes from this angle huh..hahas Thereafter we went to buy Famous Amos cookies than Chevy and Annie bought their favourite durian pancake and then we left for home le..Parting time but we're going to meet soon! ^^ On Sunday and Tuesday as well yay! hahas till then..And tmr I'll be going to Jurong West for dance class with Dawn wonder how do we get there..It's ok I'll figure a way out somehow =D Take Cares loves preciious! Happiness is Best @ (: 11:16 PM Tuesday, February 10, 2009. So long never post le..so let's see what've I done for this past few days..erm as usual I have been going to my uncle's place to help out in some typing stuff from morning 9.30 to bout 3.30pm..though I did nothing much there but at least I could use the computer so went to forums and blogs to see where have people been posted to in the polys..but yesterday I didn't go to work instead I went to the temple with my family cause it was fifteen the last day of Lunar New Year..After which I also went to Plaza Sing with my mum cause I wanted to buy some things to make cards but couldn't find the shop..Luckily I found it at level 3 "Make With Love" and spent a long time there finding what I want..I bought so many things and spent alot hahas =p..anyway @ night my mum bought "Yu Sheng" (the third time we "lao" le) and Fried Pig Intestine Porridge from Tiong Market for me to eat..and for today I went to work and to my surprise there was work for me to do woots~ but I was really stressed cause the pc was giving me problems and the handwriting was complicated for me "SERIOUSLY" lols..but we try my best next time ^^ Will blog tmr again cause I am going out with my friends will have a happy time! =D Take Cares Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 10:49 PM Tuesday, February 3, 2009. As usual went to work @ my uncle's office..and had very little things to do hahs! Only went there to help my mother type what she wanted in chinese characters and help the uncle there do the cpf thingy of the employment and print out some sort of forms.. Then left the office @ about 3.30pm with my uncle but wasn't going home with him I was going to Tiong instead..cause was going Great World to meet Annie and JiaWei for the movie Bride's War which was @ 4.20pm..Then saw Shun An @ work first when we went into the cinema thereafter the movie saw Charlton as well both of them working floor hahas.. Straight after the movie had to go for my usual dance lessons le ^^ haven had lessons the last week so I expected to forget most of the basics we always do before dancing =p..Today only 3 turned up hahas all girls so we did Girly..Song: Britney Spears - Womaniser It was really a very girl dance got sexy and act cute moves hahas but it seems nice!! However my hands and legs still wasn't coordinating very well =x..Did my best ^^ Know a new friend from the class (she seems really nice =D)..anyway Jacky said we could join the JW class on Thursday @ 7pm too..Will go over with Dawn I guess not this week but next week..Looking forward to the next lesson! Till then... Take Care loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 9:55 PM |
Lina's Info
![]() :: baby goat :: virgo :: ngee ann polytechnic DIP in MMA DO NOT'S!! This is my blog so please DO NOT do these things..Greatly Appreciated! Lov3ss Wants! :: iPhone :: more clothes :: cute things :: bag pack :: leather handbag :: Interactive Media (Yr 2 MMA)
My Music Life.
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Old Times Rock!:)
Claps. Designer: Bubby Basecodes: TY Re-Edited: Lina