Welcome to Lina's Blog! ![]() Saturday, January 31, 2009. Yeah I posted this like now hahas didn't post yesterday because str8 after I ate Sakae Sushi @ Tiong yesterday with my sis when I went back home I was like K.O.-ed zzz (I had a headache last night and slept like pig until this morning) hahas =p Even when Annie msged me I didn't realised so replied her this morning.. Anyway wanna talk about yesterday's POSTING RESULTS..I was like awoken by Annie message @ 6am (thought it was MOE but no) She was actually kinda angry and disappointed because she got into her 10th choice which she did not expect JiaWei and I have not gotten the msg yet and was like so worried that we couldn't even get into any one but @ about 6.30am we got ours..I got in one of the 1st 4 choices out of my 12 choices and JiaWei got into something which she did not really hate neither did she really liked it so much..Whereas my result WAS>> MOE: When I saw this I didn't know whether to be sad or happy, of course I was glad at least it was the first few choices (my 4th Choice) but a little disappointed because I did not get into the course I wanted so much DIGITAL VISUAL EFFECTS =( but it's ok I found out that we were able to choose in our second year an option of either Digital animation or Interactive media =) Once I receive this msg came and Annie told me to call JiaWei's phone she also received the msg and was also posted to NP..Thereafter we conference from 6.30 till about 8am hahas Annie says this is the first time we spent the morning like that conferencing lol.. After which I went off to work @ my uncle's place, it was so boring ytd cause I had nothing to do so ying called me and we chatted for quite some time talking about the posting things..Then later Annie called me and chat for a while (while JiaWei's still sleeping I guess) Ok now I am @ work O.o finally I've got something to type =) got something to do instead of sitting here yay!! ^^ Congrats to those whom have gotten into a course of their choice, for those who didn't hope your appeal will be successful! Whatever it may be STUDY HARD! ^^ Till then again! Take Cares loves preciious ^^
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:48 AM Wednesday, January 28, 2009. Met Annie and JiaWei @ Tiong this afternoon with the intention of going to Marina to eat buffet (YUKI YAKI) On our way there! ok I look so weird! =p JiaWei Annie and Me!! In the TOILET! ^^ At YUKI YAKI while waiting for food to be ready =p Guess what's in the center (looks like noodles rite?) WRONG! Steamboat (CHICKEN/TOM YAM) Annie's Choc and My Mint ice cream are together in the pan!! My done up peppermint ice cream (I know it's ugly =p) TIRAMISU ^^ Annie and her TIRAMISU =p Raspberry Ice Cream! (Before and After Effect ^^) LIQUID FORM.. While it's still hardening woots~ See this is called got skill hahas! Looks like HAM? hahas Last one before I stopped so FULL..VANILLA FLAVOUR! SEE HOW MANY ICE CREAM WE ATE LOLS! 1 person 4 cups OMG =p ME and ANNIE ONLY! ^^ Annie likes to take pictures of me hahas! (SO SERIOUS) Thereafter we took a bus down to great world to catch our movie, I saw Charlton today so long never see him le hahas! But Shun An went of early..and we went to play arcade guess who we saw JEHIAN!..After our movie which lasted so long we went to MAC CAFE for a drink..and then HOME SWEET HOME! Our last photo @ MAC CAFE before we go home! Received news from Annie that posting result is @ 6am in the morning dunno can wake up a not hahas (OMG so EARLY)..anyway GD LUCK TO ALL who are awaiting their posting results on 30th.. Take Cares Loves preciious! ^^ Happiness is Best @ (: 10:48 PM Monday, January 26, 2009. Early in the morning, I woke up to wish Happy New Year to the elders of my family..First my grandaunt, my mummy and my auntie thereafter my granduncle who came up to eat lunch with us..We eat vegeterian food today cause it's the first day of Lunar New Year and it's the tradition..I started to make up before my uncle came up because mummy say after lunch have to go Chin Woo immediately le..Then after eating went to change clothes and went down to Chinatown with my uncle ^^ We reach @ about 10 plus 11..and soon the first uncle came at 11 plus so early..hahas following after came alot of other uncles and aunties as well..The came the family too!! I felt kinda weird today but I dunno how to express it..of course one of the uncle I knew didn't come down today he said he was busy =( but nvrm there's always a next time so ya! Cya next year (must come down k) ^^ We also watched Lion Dance on the television uncle played for us saying that it came from alot of other countries (Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore and others I guess ^^) but they were all very good! Soon @ about 2 plus Chwee Yuen uncle send me back home again hahas cause he say it was on the way! SO sorry always trouble you =p hahas..but thanks anyway! Such a concidence saw my niece and nephew's family @ my house downstairs so went up together with them! Served them food and talked @ my place they've all come to wish my grandaunt Happy New Year and to also have lunch..hahas! Soon my mum's sister family also came to Bai Nian wow so many people hahas so squeeshy =p but it was very joyous and lively hahas..we took lots of photos too >> My very first photo with them! (Beside me: My niece, In front: Casper, Next to him: Yong Yi) We were so RED hahas! It's NEW YEAR =p Me and Yong Yi (isn't he so cute!) He's P1 already ^^ I had a happy time today no matter whether izzit @ Chin Woo my uncle's place or @ home where so many people visited..Tomorrow will be going out too (Vivo City to find my sis)! Take Cares.. Loves preciious! Happiness is Best @ (: 11:58 PM Sunday, January 25, 2009. Wow I woke up @ about 9 plus cause I sleep kinda late last night..But still managed to get up in time to go down to Chinatown to meet my uncle for the lunch he invited me to @ Kok Xing along with some Chin Woo Association members whom I know as uncles ^^ I went down @ 11am and waited till everyone was here until about 12 plus hahas..I felt kinda weird at first but luckily there were other kids that came later..I knew two new friends who were China siblings..The girl was older than me a couple of years..but she was also entering a poly this year! Anyway had a nice chat with them and they were also kinda NICE ^^ Thereafter we went back to Chin Woo and waited for Chwee Yuen uncle to come fetch me =p so nice of him to send me home hahas thx ^^ At night we had our family's reunion dinner..NICE FOOD! hahas I was still the fastest to finish eating woots! I won't sleep till about midnight 1 plus 2 to await for New Year and wished my family HAPPY NEW YEAR! Will blog tmr again till then ^^ Take Cares and Happy New Year Everyone! Loves preciious
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:35 PM Saturday, January 24, 2009. Met jiawei @ Bukit Merah Interchange to pass her the book moonlight cause I forgot to bring on Thursday..and she blamed me =( hahas Then went to meet Annie @ Tiong at 1pm but she was held up by her bag that spoiled on her way down..So went over to meet her @ the bus stop and we went to queenswayto buy comb hahas..@ BlueZone ^^ finally I bought back my comb lost it for quite some time le =p Afterwhich we went to Anchorpoint for lunch and also walk walk cause Annie wanted to buy shoes and red earring.. Soon we took a bus down to Chinatown cause Annie wanted to buy her clothes she BUAY GEI YAN ^^ hahas she wanted to buy something..I also bought black stockings for my sister.. We went to Mcdonalds last cause we had stomach ache haiix..and we sat there for kinda long but we still had the mood to take photos! Look @ her face hahas =p Thereafter we went home!! I slept immediately and woke up a few hours later..woots! that's all I have for now will blog again..Till then ^^ Take Cares Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:08 PM Friday, January 23, 2009. Last minute couldn't go too Annie's house yesterday haiix even though I did'nt have to work @ my uncle's office =( cause my sister woke up early in the morning to pack her room and ask me to go do manicure and pedicure with her she say she had package and treat me to it..The shop was @ Tiong Bahru (Nails In Love) had too many people and appointment so in the end we went to LadyFinger..I painted my toe nails black and my finger nails red with sliver glitter..lol After I finished I went to meet Annie and JiaWei and oops I forgot to bring JiaWei's New Moon despite her bringing my Twilight hahas (sry JiaWei) =p After that we went to Great World first cause Annie wanted to look for a job..I also bought foundation @ The Body Shop which cost $50 along with the brush..and then we went to Marina Square to shop but haiix in the end couldn't get anything =( JiaWei couldn't find her wing earring and we couldn't find any shoes nor clothes haiix so we went back down to Chinatown..Annie wanted to find shimmering leggings..and I wanted to buy shorts for CNY..so we look everywhere finally Annie and I got our things but we still went to This Fashion cause Annie wanted to buy clothes too..But nothing found so we went home instead.. When Annie JiaWei and I chatted on the phone Annie said she regretted for not buying a shirt that we saw just now @ People Park there..We also chatted on MSN with Zainab haiix..do take cares my dear girl don't think SOOO much! And I don't have to work @ my uncle's office unti after CNY yay! hahas So anyway this Saturday we are going to Queensway can shun bian go Chinatown buy lor ^^ Till then! Take Cares Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 12:18 PM Wednesday, January 21, 2009. I woke up a little late today and started packing my bed area..First I packed my shelf which collected alot of dust after not cleaning it for some time =( but managed to clean it up and re-arrange the shelf myself seeing how some things put would be nicer..it really became so much better after I packed it! After that had to change the bedsheet (it was so difficult and tiring cause my was a double decker bed) but eventually managed it..My bed looks more SHUN YAN now =) After finish packing it was already 4pm so fast (had to meet maine @ 4pm dawson bus stop)..We went to school together to visit our dear chinese dance and wushu juniors..And I promised to have dinner with them ^^ I was so impressed with the wushu boys OMG! You guys were great way much better then I expected so glad and relieved =P At least your didn't let us down..I really had some confidence in this year's dance WORK HARD GUYS! but do take care..will visit your next week if I can cya soon! Take Cares Love preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:31 AM Tuesday, January 20, 2009. O.o no class next week cause of new year season! =( but today was more of a technique lesson..we learn HOUSE ^ ^ Cool but fast, confusing and tiring hahas! Initially, Jacky suggested cancelling the lesson because only 3 of us came and it was kinda weird just 4 people dancing in the studio (but we travel from kinda far so ya he didn't want us to waste the trip here) so actually he wanted to teach girly because we were all girls lol..but when we were doing warm up 2 guys joined in so he changed his mind and taught us house instead! Wow looks easy initially but when music started the fast beat was like erm sooooo FAST..and our hands and legs weren't coordinating very well hahas..but eventually we got it sorted..Jacky said he just wanna let try house which was actually kinda beyond our beginner's level he just wanted to give us a feel of it..and that he wanted to push us to the intermediate level =] Keep it the music going and never stop dancing! Continue after the new year break I guess ^ ^ Take Cares Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 10:25 PM Sunday, January 18, 2009. Woots~ I guess I feel kinda frustrated today dunno why haiix..(because of MONEY??) Went to visit my grandmother @ Old Folks Home today and it seems that she made everyone be in sort of a bad mood..because the first she said to me and my grandaunt was she had no money..she even told me not to go study whereas go out to work zzz..This made my grandaunt kinda unhappy and replied even if they had no money she still will want me to attend so that I could have a good future! Second, when my mum and I push her out for a walk she suddenly said that Ah Kay (my EX-father) stay over the other side and said that he haven't wake up..zzz guess she is losing her memory after not seeing him for a very long time..Why still want to dote o this kinda people I seriously don't understand..haiix all this made my grandaunt very unhappy this morning =( After that we went to FAR EAST FLORAL near thomson road to have a look; and in the end we bought so many things (flowers) =X (and my mum even bought fresh tunip and gave it to me =D ) After taking a cab home, I came out with my mum again with the intension of buying myself thing =P..I bought a red wallet from (The Wallet Shop) which cost $39 and also bought a slipper type of high heel shoe from (Charles and Keith) @ $39.90..wow much of the money spent today.. When I came home, I calculated the amount of money I spent @ the beginning of this year.. I bought @ Genting (The Body Shop) Cherry Blossom Perfume & Body Butter, (Miss Whatever) Bag and accessories which cost bout $120 already..Bought clothes for lunar new year @ Vivo which cost bout $40 still buying one more shorts?? Bought a shoe @ Marina Square (Left & Right Cloth Shoes) at $42..Also buying make up foundation mineral loose powder (The Face Shop) which according to my mum @ about $30+ Wooh I spent so much already @ the beginning of the year..can't imagine how much more I will be spending when school starts again.....=( Till the next time I blog then! Take Cares.. Loves preciious =)
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:52 PM Saturday, January 17, 2009. LUNAR CHINESE NEW YEAR's coming!! I made cornflake cookies with my mum this morning till bout afternoon time and it turn out very well ^ ^ hahas..thereafter when to HairStar Salon to highlight my hair along with my mother who went there to dye her hair..Auntie Alice recommended me two colours one a very very dark brown and one slightly lighter brown..but dunno the name =D I chose the lighter one cause if it's very very dark why waste the money to highlight my hair, she agreed with me too hahas! I didn't do as long as JiaWei I guess she said she sat at the salon for 3 hours..I only sat for nearly 1 hr 30 mins..(was that considered fast?) ^ ^ The colour turns out fine too me I knida liked it cause it wasn't too dark nor too light hahas..Then went to eat AJISEN with mummy and went back home..After that went out again lol..collected soooo many things from race course road and took cab back home! guess that's all I have for today..=) Till then! Take Cares, Loves preciious!
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:58 PM Friday, January 16, 2009. Went to balastier temple @ with grandaunt today and met my mum @ there straight ^^ After that took cab down to meet up with Annie and JiaWei @ VivoCity..but such a concidence when I was in the cab saw JW's 145 past me and hahas saw her standing, using her hp msging on the BUS!! (what a small world =p)..then when I call her she still thought I was on the bus (hahas I scared her) Met up with Annie and Jw thereafter and also met Kin Hong for lunch as well..(he said: he specially pull out an hour to accompany us for lunch O.o) We went to food republic for lunch but in the end only Kin Hong ate hahas cause we find things there kinda expensive (because we were outta job =x) instead we went to long john for lunch hahas..=p Then walk walk a while with Kin Hong..then he went back to work..we went to slack hahas know where? Erm slack @ outdoor; the top of Vivo hahas..See >> Me Annie and JiaWei..see how SUNNY izzit hahas! Only my hair's black =( hahas annie's with brown hair and JiaWei with blonde and dark brown O.o I bought clothes from VALERIE @ VivoCity for CNY and it was kinda cute ^^ Annie and JiaWei said I was the most fortunate or lucky cause I can get whatever I wanted hahas but it was only most of the time lah NOT ALWAYS! =] Take Cares People..Loves pr3ciious! Happiness is Best @ (: 10:07 PM Thursday, January 15, 2009. Wow..I wake up early @ 10am to settle my poly admission thingy on the net..and the deadline's tomorrow (for those who have already submitted their application I wish your good luck in getting the course your want for those who have not do hurry k and choose wisely! I am sure there is something for YOU >.<) Those who are furthering their studies in the Institute of Technical Education (like what I told Zainab yesterday; you are only taking a longer path compared to others before coming to poly don't give up! and continue to work hard; find your DREAMS!) I am kinda of scared too perhaps I don't have much confidence getting into the course I really want so much! But I will just have to chill and relax till the release of the posting results =p That's all I have for NOW!! and I am going to HIGHLIGHT my hair on SATURDAY ^ ^ hahas with my mum let's hope the colour turns out right =X Take Care Loves pr3ciious!! =)
Happiness is Best @ (: 11:08 AM Monday, January 12, 2009. Yeah I can't sleep zzz woke up @ 8 plus close to 9am..waited for time to pass till 11.30am and met Annie and JiaWei @ Bukit Merah Mcdonald to eat and then go school to receive our results!!! HAIIX lols.. We ATE TWISTER FRIES!! =p so NICE (always only new year have de) We enjoy first before worrying hahas.. We went to take bus @ 1pm, ANNIE say the bus was late by 5 minutes..and we reach school @ bout 1.30pm YA IT'S TIME TO WORRY LOR LOLS! Everybody's face was like soooo nervous OMG..but of course not when we heard news spreading 8 people PASSED MATHS and whatever was there guess it was afterall people trying to scare us..(can't believe it's source hahas) omg that was scary news! TIME TO TAKE A STEP INTO THE HALL..settled down listen to Miss Wee, Our new principal Mr Ang speak (it was like nobody was in the mood to listen lor) and then here comes annoucing TOP STUDENTS!! woo hoo guess what KIN HONG GOT TO STAND UP TODAY!!!! OMG WOW..Mr Ang tried not to waste our time I guess and HERE COMES THE RESULTS from our form teacher...=( Annie was first and man it was so scary I was nowhere further I was 3rd ok.. My grades are as follows: English - B4 Chinese - A2 Mathematics - C5 Science (Phy, Chem) - B3 Combined Humanities - B3 Food and Nutrition - B4 But afterall I guess my results were not too bad..but it was a false happy I guess cause initally I thought I got 13 but actually for POLY admission is L1R2B2 is 17 deducting CCA would be 15! (well done I guess accordingly to what my mum said) At least she was relieved cause I know my whole family's been worried just like I did (I influenced them) Then we went to YOSHI @ great world to eat and started our work of looking at the poly courses we were offered.. Look below!! SO serious hahas..>> Annie's looking @ it real hard!! making her choices carefully.. Me and JiaWei looking @ Form A and JAE booklet!~~ I hope everyone get's what they want! Sometimes look @ things from another view you will find yourself with more choices! JYJY all my dear friends ^^ Take Care loves preciious!! Happiness is Best @ (: 11:46 PM Friday, January 9, 2009. Cause I just came back yesterday so blog the trip of GENTING today! =p
4th January 2009 - Our Trip to Genting! Haiix I woke up @ 2am guess I can't sleep bah or too excited! OMG we're leaving today..in a few hours time. At about 2 plus I msg JiaWei see if she sleep already a not and after which she called me and we talk so many things..until about 4am..the time when my grandaunt supposed to wake up! but in the end is I call her wake up not she call me lol..Then I went out at about 5.50am cause we decided to meet @ Tiong Mac to eat breakfast! And we took a cab to Golden Mile near Beach Rd..(with Annie JiaWei and Kin Hong).. In the coach it was kind of luxury inside it was double decker and got TV and comfortable sit (5 Star Agency).. We took a very trip to Yong Ping our 1st stop before going to Genting! And got to take a photo of us with the bus we took ^ ^ Me and JiaWei! (she's so serious) ^^
Candid SHOT and Annie LOVES it!
Yay PIZZA HUT! I finish eating le ^^
Annie JiaWei and Me!(all with jackets on)
OMG!! lol I am a civilised person =p hahas
OK erm this is WEIRD! but it's FUN hahas
Ok Annie and Me (wierd expressions) lol!!
Annie and JiaWei (this was taken when I went over to Jehian their room)
Their motive of coming here is to EAT, Sleep and PLAY PSP lols ^^
5th January 2009 - our second day at GENTING, the THEME PARK DAY! We woke up @ 8am and got ready to go out for a fun day today..We ate mcdonald's for breakfast cause we thought Jehian and Laikiat would be able to wake up for the free hotel breakfast but in the end see >>
After which @ about 10 plus after our breakfast we went to the Theme Park..Kin Hong's first ride starts here but our's are different ^^ And oh gosh it's really so fun you will see why below! =p
The SECOND TIME we were on this ride! lol
The background's so nice! Me, Annie and JiaWei ^^
The last ride for the outdoor theme park..the cave one the one we've been waiting for but we are a bit tired le!
JiaWei and I are too lazy to step the pedal so we ride together! In between, we also took some other rides but we were unable to take photos of..Examples were like the small roller coaster, pirate ship and also the Pirate's Train (zzzz) ok the pirate's train was the most EXCITING one I guess! cause we didn't know what was inside and it was so dark..Annie and Kin Hong went in first and followed by me and JiaWei..Suddenly we heard Annie scream!! JiaWei and I thought of running away but in the end we went in too! BUT ACTUALLY it was only dark inside and we couldn't see anything cause our heads were looking down (we were so afraid that something will touch us) but at last we were only scaring ourselves lols..WE ARE SO CRAZY ^^hahas! We came back to the hotel after our rides for a short break before we go out for dinner! And we found Jehian and Laikiat in their room..After which we went out together and Laikiat say this is the 1st time the 6 of us went out together in GENTING! lols..The two of them went to eat kopitiam with Kin Hong and for us we went to eat KFC (ok 2 days of fried food le lols)..Then they came to find us after finish eating and ask if we wanted to go watch a movie but we were very tired le so we decide to go watch tomorrow and then we went back to our hotel to rest..However too early and we can't sleep..so take pictures >.<
We can't sleep at all =(
After the Theme Park day I guess we were too excited, that's the reason keeping us awake I think..And we slept @ 12 plus but in the end we woke up at 2am again cause the 3 of us couldn't get to sleep! And we end up eating tibits we bought from Singapore and also watching SNAKES ON PLANE in our room! It was digusting lol..but we finished watching it until 4.30am then we tried to make ourselves sleep..However JiaWei realised that I closed the window of the room but did not close the curtain but we were all too lazy to get up and close it so Annie randomly suggested whoever make noise will have to go close it..and then suddenly there was a sudden silence in the room so silent until it made us all laugh but not out loud..Then JiaWei couldn't take it anymore and went to close it we couldn't stop laughing thereafter..even when we tried to sleep whenever there was silence we will start to laugh and we could feel the vibrations on the bed lols..FINALLY we got control of ourselves and slept until 8am again! hahas ^^ 7th January 2009 - Shopping Spree! Our 3rd day here and tomorrow's the last day =( We woke up in the morning and went to have our free morning breakfast buffet @ First World..it was afterall not that bad! Then we went to start our day shopping around the hotel area..All of us got something in the end but I ended up buying alot of things =p I bought a Miss Whatever bag along with accessories which costed 104.80RM and the last day I also bought stuff from The Body Shop, a perfume and body butter that is not sold in Singapore (Japanese Cherry Blossom) JiaWei also bought something so in total we got 30% off every item ^^ (will put up the photos of things I bought some other day =p). We also went for a movie and we got to sit the OSIM massge chair in the Theatre =) whereas Jehian and Laikiat took the Premium Sits @ the back..We watched Bedtime Story! For dinner we ate Kenny Roger Quarter Meal..and gave 3 of our sides to Jehian and Laikiat cause they no money lols..And we also found out something tonight! My mum called saying news broadcasted that our news will be RELEASED ON THE 12th JANUARY 2009 which is ON MONDAY OH GOSH! We all sat together discussing about monday lols..Jehian kept asking what if we do well what if we did badly..oh well even though how much we said that we are just going to chill because the results are also set..However, we just can't stop worrying oh god!!! =( haiix whatever.. Early in the morning (brushing our teeth) but Annie can't seem to open her eyes!
Up the Escalator we go! We're going to other hotel to look around =x
This is PROOF that we are here @ GENTING hahas! But it's so sunny that our eyes couldn't open wide!
Our 1st shot together! But Jehian spoil the pic =p hahas
We got somebody to take photo for us..but he never take the nice background only us zzz! (anyway thx) Finally one NICE ONE! Thanks to Laikiat's stuff ^^
See how "BRAVE" they are! In the middle of nowhere SO COLD @ 11 plus..TAKING THEIR CLOTHES OFF!
LaiKiat DON'T ACT GIRLY! lols
Jehian anyhow taking pics~ playing with my camera!
Our last night of having fun together! Stupid Laikiat =p 8th January 2009 - Home Sweet Home..Haiix time to leave! Our final group photo before we leave GENTING! (From left: Laikiat, Jehian, Lina, Annie, JiaWei and Kin Hong)
Jehian's listening to MP3, Annie's trying to make fun of him!
JiaWei's tired; am I? Laikiat also same as Jehian come up the bus SLEEP!!
Look @ what Annie's doing to Jehian? hahas Jehian stop sleeping!!
Down Down Down the slope! Yes we're going back le BYE GENTING =)
This is what I do when I am bored on the bus (trip back to Singapore) =(
The bus ride was soooooo long but at least there were a few stops on the way back! We reach the immigration kinda fast cause the bus driver was driving real fast ^^ and when we got there at least there was nobody cause we overtake alot of other buses! FINALLY WE ARE BACK IN SINGAPORE..^^ When we got to Golden Mile we got a cab and went home whereas we bid Laikiat and Jehian bye cause they no money take cab! That's all I have for you guys for the days I've been to GENTING I guess =p NOW AWAITING FOR RESULTS WHICH WILL BE OUT ON THE 12TH JANUARY 2009 @ 2PM! Take Care Loves preciious All the Best to all who are taking their results on the 12th! ^^ Happiness is Best @ (: 9:52 PM |
Lina's Info
![]() :: baby goat :: virgo :: ngee ann polytechnic DIP in MMA DO NOT'S!! This is my blog so please DO NOT do these things..Greatly Appreciated! Lov3ss Wants! :: iPhone :: more clothes :: cute things :: bag pack :: leather handbag :: Interactive Media (Yr 2 MMA)
My Music Life.
Darlinks. preciious™ ~bestiies~ annie chevy ying karen maine shunan preciious™ |MMA Peeps!| mervin sebastian JingYin Jingfang Jessica pat preciious™ |NP Peeps!| lingyi mirah JingTing Brice preciious™ ~QTSS~ aisha suane preciious™ cousin! Sigrid preciious™ |Blogshops| forever21 PrettyWomenInc sweet-haven stars-closet evolution-spirit Hippirunway
Old Times Rock!:)
Claps. Designer: Bubby Basecodes: TY Re-Edited: Lina